Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The death of the music video in popular culture

In reflection while I was growing up I had always wanted to be a music video director. In a lot of ways I believe music videos were treated with upmost respect during the 90’s, many artist putting their hearts and souls into their music video creations. David Fincher, Spike Jonze and Michael Bay were amongst a few of these directors whom all have gone onto feature films.

Since then as the music world has fallen from its pedestal so has the culture of music video creation. This may be most apparent with the death of TLR from MTV’s show programming, no longer serving a function while website platforms such as Youtube have taken over. For the last few years while I have attended social functions with my college peer group Youtube has been used as a jukebox for the music being played. Technology has changed the way our generation embraces and values music.

In a way, I still wish to create music videos though it seems silly, as I have no clue if there remains any interest in this form of art. If anything it would only serve as a ode to my childhood and the nostalgia I feel from watching music lead visual media.

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